Reserve Repack 2024

Sunday, 11 Feb 24, 8:30 AM - 4:30 AM

Chipping Village Hall

If you are interested in attending an organised reserve repack day, please confirm interest via email to
Venue - Chipping village Hall.
Cost- £15 - £20 provisional & depending on numbers.
Sunday 11th February 2024.
Repack your reserve ...
you come along with your harness and reserve and repack it under the supervision of Guy Richardson (Ginger Nomad) and possibly accompanied by another qualified repacker depending on numbers, he is a licensed BHPA repacker.
This is a great opportunity for you to become more familiar with your equipment and to make sure your reserve system operates correctly.
It is NOT a repack service, you would have to arrange this separately.
(most PG shops/service centres do offer a reserve check, repack & harness Installation service).
This event is mainly suited for the standard round & square type reserves.
Guy brings new reserves for sale to these events - £100 off if bought on the day (he would have to confirm this).
Rogalla/steerable types are more complex, so may not be suitable at this repack, though you can still attend.
Best regards

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